
Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Progressing Through E9 Animation

We've started and finished another animation, similar to the previous one. Only this time, it isn't bouncing up and down, it's bouncing from left to right and rolling off the screen! We were told to create an animation of a ball with a smiley face bouncing in an arcing path across our name written in large text at the bottom of the screen. Again, we were told to use squash and stretch to show speed of movement, and to set frames further apart to show the object actually moving faster. This time, since the ball has a face, we were to give it some emotion as it hit the ground, so that its face squashed a little bit, and its eyes closed. Another thing we did, was give something for the ball to do once it was done bouncing. It could have faded into the background, bounced up off-screen, or rolled away, like mine did. Anything to get the ball off screen would work. This was done to make the animation loop more smoothly, rather that abruptly stopping and starting at the top again, with no explanation as to how it got there. I believe that I've improved since my last animation, and that my squashing and stretching on my last animation was a little too exaggerated. This time I tried not to overuse squash and stretch, which I think I succeeded at.

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