
Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Which type of cat is best for you?

Our most recent graphic design project was to create an infographic based on whatever we wanted as long as we a did actual research on our subject. I chose to try and make a flowchart based on which breed of cat would belong with which type of person.


In the beginning I knew I wanted to do something having to do with cats. I love cats, and I've always wondered if there are certain cats that would work best with certain people. So I decided to research how the most popular house cat species behaved, and then matched up their personalities with what people might be looking for in a cat.


Creating the flowchart proved to be difficult. I had all of the information down, but had trouble trying to fit them evenly in the space I had. I decided to have each box either be an inch or half an inch long, and then have them fit onto different tiers. I didn't want my flowchart to be messy and just spread out everywhere; I wanted order in my work, and I think that was what made trying to fit all of the information together hard. Eventually though, I did figure out a good layout, and filled up any blank spots with silhouettes of different cats.

My vision

When I started trying to come up with what I wanted to do, I know I wanted the final product to be cute, since I think cats are really cute and that colors that are typically deemed cute tend to be pleasing to the eye. I went with rather rather light pink colors for the different decorative pieces such as the borders around the boxes and the cat silhouettes. For the wording I chose a bolder, darker pink so that reading it would be easy. I tried to make the background simplistic so that it didn't distract from the viewers from the actual flowchart, but I added transparent white circles so that it wouldn't be boring either. I'm very happy with how my final piece came out, and I feel like it stayed true to what I initially wanted.

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