
Thursday, March 30, 2017

Plausible Impossible

In Disney films, there are many examples of the plausible impossible, where something impossible seems possible in a given situation. Here are some examples of plausible impossible from a version of Alice in Wonderland with Mickey Mouse.

1. Walking through a mirror

In this scene, Mickey walking through a mirror seems plausible because of how the mirror stretches to let him in. If he just walked through the mirror and the mirror didn't react, it would seem like Mickey was a ghost, and he just phased through the mirror.

2. Living objects

Disney makes it seem possible that inanimate objects could be alive by giving them human-like features. The phone has arms, and the mic became its mouth.

3. Mickey being shuffled into a deck of cards

It would be impossible to shuffle an object with form into a deck of cards, but Mickey fits in because of how they show him being shuffled into the cards. They treat him like he's another card, which helps him fit in.

4. Mickey dancing with a card

Mickey can dance with a card because hey had the arms and legs come out of the card. It wouldn't make much sense if Mickey was dancing with a card that had no arms or legs. This is similar to the one with the phone having human-like features.

5. Mickey shooting ink out of a pen

Ink typically can't be shot out of a pen like this, but having Mickey hold the pen like a gun makes this seem possible, and the viewer even expects Mickey to use the pen as a weapon.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Logo Design

Today we learned about different forms of marks and symbols and how they can used together or separately to make the "face" of a brand or company.

What is the difference between a symbol and a logo?

A logo is just words made to represent a brand. Exxon's mark is a good example of this. A symbol is a shape made to represent a brand. Apple is a good example of a symbol.

What's it called when they're used together.

When a logo and a symbol are used together, they make combination mark. Nike is a good example of a combination mark.

Key things to remember

1.  Your logo will represent your entire brand

This is good to remember, because if your logo doesn't match what your brand is about, then it won't be relatable, or well liked. The shapes, colors, and fonts help decide what your logo is trying to convey

2. Simplicity is key

Logos shouldn't depend on many colors or complex forms for visual success. All of the logos above are simple, and think of how successful they are, too. Simplicity is mainly for ease in printing, but can also be visually appealing when there aren't fifty different shapes and colors popping out at you.

3. Negative space

Negative space isn't just nothing. If you use the filled space correctly, you can make memorable images through negative space. The logo shown below is a good example of utilizing negative space to create a good logo.

My favorite thing that I learned

I thought that learning the difference between marks, logos, and symbols. Not all logos are the same thing, so it's good to know the difference.


Logos are very important to representing a company. It's good to know the different types of logos and how they can be used.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Quote Typography

Our latest project in graphic design was choosing four quotes to create typography artboards with them. First we created them in black and white, then we gave them color based off color pallets from

About my quotes

I chose most of these quotes because either the quote itself makes me happy, or the people saying the quote makes me happy.

"Hope will never die"

This quote is by Lucina, from Fire Emblem: Awakening. Sometimes I think about this quote when I feel hopeless or like things aren't going right, and it makes me feel a little better.

"I won't stand idle"

This quote is by Takumi from Fire Emblem: Fates. I try to think of this quote when I feel lazy, and it makes me feel more motivated to get my work done.

"At age 6 I was born without a face"

This quote is by Arin Hanson from the Youtube channel Game Grumps. I know this is a silly quote, but the person who said it makes me happy. I watch Game Grumps when I feel sad, and all the dumb stuff they say makes me laugh.

"I think that dogs should be able to vote"

This quote is by Griffin McElroy from Polygon. This is another weird quote, but again it makes me happy. Polygon videos are another thing that I watch when I'm feeling down.

Creating the artboards

When we finally decided on what quotes we wanted to do, our first objective was to make a sketch of what we'd like our final products to look like. After we got our sketch down, we transferred it in black and white into Illustrator. From there, we had to choose color palettes that went well with the quote.


After we were done we had to present our work to the class. We had to read our quote aloud, and then state why we chose that quote and why we made our quotes look the way they did.


This was a really fun project to do. At first I didn't really like it because I was having a hard time finding good quotes to use, and I didn't really understand how fonts work. Eventually, though, I got the hang of it and managed to find some fonts that work well for each quote.